MKMMA Week 13 – “Gratitude”

gratitude baby

Our assignment this week is my favorite thing we have done so far. We are directed to write three new things we are grateful for each day after reading our lesson and meditation time.

Gratitude is such a powerful emotion, and it feels so good, I just feel my heart warming when I am truly grateful.  The best part is, when we focus on the things we are grateful for, we attract more things to add to our gratitude. Is the photo above not one of the most precious things you have ever seen? I imagine this baby may have very little in possession, but I can just feel the gratitude in his heart instantly when I look at it.

This week is an easy one to express gratitude. Today is Christmas eve. There are dozens of presents under the tree. We are gathering with family tonight and tomorrow. I have an amazing husband, a precious little boy, and another baby on the way. Our fridge and pantry are stocked, we are all healthy, we have warm beds to sleep in, warm clothes to wear, but most of all it is the reason for Christmas that I am most grateful for.

It was over 2,000 years ago, Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem. I imagine the discomfort Mary must have felt with the birth of her precious baby just hours away. I know how uncomfortable that time can be, but I can’t imagine what it must have been like riding on a donkey, thinking each place they stopped, she would be able to lay down on a bed and rest, but instead being turned away only to continue on wondering when and where their long journey would end.

I imagine Joseph must have been panicking on the inside, but needing to remain calm to keep Mary from being troubled. They finally reach the stable where they could rest their bodies and their minds. And then….in the silence of the night, they hear the first cry of their baby boy. After 400 years of silence and separation from God, he was there among them. I can only imagine the  joy and gratitude they must have felt. I imagine Jesus as a little boy must have demonstrated gratitude much like the little boy in the sand. Take a few minutes and listen to this song  Winter Snow.  It has become my new favorite.

I hope you have much to be grateful for this season. If you don’t, begin focusing only on the things you have to express your gratitude for, no matter how small, and I assure you, you will find more and more reasons to be grateful will soon be heading your way.

Merry Christmas and Blessings to you and yours.



5 thoughts on “MKMMA Week 13 – “Gratitude””

  1. That is a very inspiring description of the Christmas story. Great job Honey! We both have much to be thankful for, especially each other… God Bless


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